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  • The Study OGSA-DAI and OGSA-DQP Architectures in Grid Computing for Integration of Heterogeneous Database

    • تاریخ انتشار 1397/08/01
    • تعداد صفحات 7
    • زبان مقاله انگلیسی
    • حجم فایل 633 کیلو بایت
    • تعداد مشاهده چکیده 236
    • قیمت 29,000 تومان
    • تخفیف 0 تومان
    • قیمت با احتساب تخفیف: 29,000 تومان
    • قیمت برای کاربران عضو سایت: 23,200 تومان
    • محل انتشار اولین همایش ملی پژوهش های مهندسی رایانه
  • نویسندگان مقاله
    • EHSAN rafeazadeh m.sc.student,Islamic Azad University, Fars Science&research branch
    • m.m karimizadeh m.sc.student,Islamic Azad University, Fars Science&research branch
  • چکیده مقاله

    The Grid is an emerging infrastructure that supports the discovery, access and use of distributed computational resources. Grid Computing has become another buzzword after Web 2.0. However, there are dozens of different definitions for Grid Computing and there seems to be no consensus on what a Grid is. In addition, Databases are heterogeneous, because databases are usually designed for specific applications. To solve this problem, Use of open grid service architecture (OGSA). In this paper, we study the structure of two types of OGSA architecture which is used for the integration of databases. The OGSA-DAI architecture is a middleware that classifies several requests and translates them in one single-request and send it to its services, and finally shares different Database. OGSA-DQP architecture is a developed model of OGSA-DAI that with breaking user request into several inquiries, it accelerates integration.

  • کلید واژه

    Database Heterogeneous/ Integration/ Gird Computing/ OGSA-DAI/ OGSA-DQP.

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