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  • Distriputed Real Time Systems And Output Tracking Control Systems

    • تاریخ انتشار 1397/08/01
    • تعداد صفحات 10
    • زبان مقاله انگلیسی
    • حجم فایل 535 کیلو بایت
    • تعداد مشاهده چکیده 250
    • قیمت 29,000 تومان
    • تخفیف 0 تومان
    • قیمت با احتساب تخفیف: 29,000 تومان
    • قیمت برای کاربران عضو سایت: 23,200 تومان
    • محل انتشار اولین همایش ملی پژوهش های مهندسی رایانه
  • نویسندگان مقاله
  • چکیده مقاله

    This paper studies the problem of output tracking for networked control systems with network-induced delay, packet disorder, and packet dropout and Real-time distributed systems often utilize centralized nodes to manage and coordinate the exchange of information; in particular, for users to are unable to communicate directly because of their location behind firewalls or proxy servers. The round-trip time (RTT) delay is redefined to describe these communication constraints in a unified way. By including the output tracking error as an additional state, the output tracking problem is converted into the stabilization problem of an augmented system. Identifying these nodes is crucial for successful operation of the entire distributed system. The geo-locational placement of these relay node can be determined based on network properties such as Round Trip Time (RTT). Based on the observer of the original state increment and the feedback of the output tracking error, a model-based networked predictive output tracking control (NPOTC) scheme is proposed to actively compensate for the random RTT delay. and Also A method to determine the suitable node or relay based on population distribution in a geographic region and projected RTT based on distance between them is proposed here.

  • کلید واژه

    real time systems;networking/ round-trip time (RTT) delay/networked control systems (NCSs);

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